Rsquare Media

Maximizing Visitor Conversion: Turning Clicks into Customers

Introduction In the fast-paced digital world, a compelling e-commerce website is the backbone of any successful online business. However, having an aesthetically pleasing website is just one piece of the puzzle. To truly thrive in the competitive landscape, businesses must focus on optimizing their website design to convert visitors into customers. This article explores the … Read more

The Unique Storytelling of Found Footage Horror

The found footage subgenre of horror is a breeding ground for a myriad of content, blending raw storytelling with a mix of integrated marketing and product launches. Many are drawn to it after encountering popular films like The Blair Witch Project or Paranormal Activity, assuming it’s an easy route to financial gain with minimal investment.  … Read more

Dr Who: The Timey Whimey Nature of Audio Drama Storytelling

INTRODUCTION TO AUDIO DRAMA DR WHO When Dr Who went on hiatus in 1989, it continued in other forms, comics, TV specials about the actors, books and audio dramas. The Wilderness Years, as the span of 1989-2005 is called, had an odd variety of mediums and Dr Who went into weird places. Some writers instantly … Read more

Dr Who: A Reflection on the 60th Anniversary Specials

Introducing Dr Who  On November 23rd, 1963, the BBC premiered a low budget sci-fi series titled “Doctor Who.” The show featured William Hartnell as Dr. Who, a time-traveling Time Lord who ventured through time and space in the company of his granddaughter, Susan, and her school teachers, Ian and Barbara. The actors would not be … Read more